Saturday, February 6, 2010

Penguin Joke

Do you like my art? It makes me laugh. :) Good ol' Paint!
I've always loved penguins--mostly because my second grade teacher, Mrs. Perry, loved them (and I loved her).
Lynnae recently reminded me of a joke told to us by Doug, long-time friend. It's not supposed to make sense.

Penguin #1: "Would you mind handing me the soap?"
Penguin #2: "What do I look like to you, A TOASTER?!"

Lynnae and I looked at each other.

That was a dumb joke.

But then we got's why it makes sense:
Poor Doug was dumbfounded.


  1. Love it. Truly, madly, deeply. Your artwork makes it make so much more sense than if we just tried to explain it to someone.

  2. HAHAHHAHAH!!! Cute little penguin! I want a book about him. I LOVE the little toaster illustration!


Thanks! My blog is blah-g without your feedback!