Thursday, March 31, 2011

March Creations

Did you think it might not happen? I didn't, but I thought I'd be cutting it close! The fact is, being creative is very much part of my life, so even while I didn't do some of my bigger projects I had in mind, I created. :)

First: a baby shower invitation for my darling cousin Chela.

Second: I doodled! Here's my favorite.

Third: I have been redecorating and reorganizing and rearranging in our home. I am SO excited to do a Before&After when it's all complete. For now, I relish the suspense of the Reveal.
And I'm not talking about puny closet fix-ups (although I don't think those are puny...I adore my newly FIXED closet...ahhh!). 
This is a big deal. 
It's like some reality show remodel, to me. It's that big of a difference. 
And I obviously can't seem to stop talking about it!
(And now I'm stopping!)


1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see your reveal either! I LOVE the merternity picture. AND the invitation. Swoonworthy.


Thanks! My blog is blah-g without your feedback!